CO2 actually is much needed by every green growing thing, like TREES, to make oxygen. The foolish goal of “zero CO2” could actually do more harm to the planet!

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Lisa: Yes, and even substantially reduced CO2 (not zero) would also be extremely harmful.

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I think the findings of William Happer should be emphasized in making the case that there is no further need to limit CO2 emissions

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Fascinating read especially about ulcers and stomach acid vs bacteria. My father lost 3/4, of his stomach to this misdiagnosis! Thank God he live to be 89 in spite of it! I’m far from an expert but I believe that the ice core samples show clearly that earth has cooling and warming cycles that are irrelevant to the amount of Co2 produced. I feel this whole green energy scam is to make the elites richer at the expense of the”non critically thinking “ middle class! The poor are to busy just trying to survive. Quite despicable to me but, if you swallow the kool aid, no one to blame but yourself!!!

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

Mark: You are on target...

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I lost a good friend over the subject of CO2 causing global warming. She eventually signed a lease with a wind company to put industrial scale turbines on her land, and defended her decision by stating that "Even if the turbines don't do anything to stop global warming, they're a symbol of what we should be doing." Trillions have been made on this cleverly staged green energy scam, and the victims will be the poor and the elderly, as well as our natural environment.

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SM: Wind turbines are a person's property signal that such a person is an easy mark.

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An important difference is that the CO2 claim is indeed a nefarious conspiracy, not just lazy thinking.

When Stephen Schneider was an acolyte in the Coming Ice Age cult, he and S. Ichtiaque Rasool computed that no matter how much coal we burn we cannot stop the coming ice age (Science, July 9, 1971). Then he joined the Global Warming Cult and said "each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest" (Detroit News, November 1989). Others have said similar things:

"We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy."

– Timothy Wirth, president of the UN Foundation. Former U.S. Senator.

"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world."

– Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment.

"The data doesn’t (sic) matter. We’re not basing our recommendations on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models."

– Professor Chris Folland, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research.

"The models are convenient fictions that provide something very useful."

– Dr. David Frame, climate modeler, Oxford University.

Then a cartoonist named John Cook, along with some friends, read the abstracts of 14,000 journal articles about climate (not the complete papers). They threw out all of them in which the authors had not expressed an opinion whether humans cause climate change. Then they equivocated about several more. Among the three percent that remained, 97.5% said humans were responsible. Barack Obama inflated this to 99%.

And of course, there's Voltaire's observation:

"It is dangerous to be right when established men are wrong."

Details in my book "Where Will We Get Our Energy?" Everything quantified. No vague handwaving. 350 bibliographic citations so you can check that I didn't just make up stuff.

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An excellent analogy John!

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Thank you.

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John, re: CO2 issues I refer you to an interview by Tucker Carlson with scientist Dr. Willie Soon. Very interesting and entertaining.

BTW, I contributed to Ms. Morrow’s campaign and I will send you a link of a piece heard today on the BBC regarding the school choice issue in Arizona. Regards, Paul

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I agree Paul,

Dr Willie Soon was comical, in a scientific way, he cranked me up.

Also, his reasoning was so point on no Scientist could argue his points.

Yes the Sun and the temperature’s, the angles of the sun vs the earth’s rotation, distances from, rate of burn, all changing etc. as Dr Soon explained, contributes to our climate changing planet. This has all to do with the earths varying weather patterns.

Not all this nonsensical nonsense these being spewed to scare people into believing something which

Isn’t true! I call these people the

“Grifting Grifter’s”!

For they must make themselves relevant to all the people seeking a huge paycheck from the Theodore Cleaver’s of society. And Beaver said “Well Gee Wally”

the Sun is really hot you know?

I’m convinced, agents of agendas

push such BS who are the biggest “Grifting Grifters” of our society today! They’d sell their mother’s for a dime! Something tells me they’re part of this “narcissistic family” of the

“New World Order” enforcer’s agenda.


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Paul: I know Willie and he is a standup guy.

THANK YOU for donating to Michele Morrow's campaign to become the NC Superintendent of K-12 Education. Her webpage on Critical Thinking: <https://www.morrow4nc.com/criticalthinking>.

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Consensus of the arrogant and insane.

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MLK: Yes, but I was trying to phrase it a bit more politely.

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Made me laugh. I guess I can be a hammer.

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No building will ever stand strongly without the fasteners completely in place. In wood frame housing, as well as steel riveted buildiings, the hammer is of ultimate importance.

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I feel so special!

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MLK: We need all the tools, including hammers.

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Excellent analogy!

There are several other such historical examples of "The Science" being totally wrong, of course.

The consensus of "medical experts" for centuries was that "bleeding" was a cure-all for pretty much every symptom.

The consensus of "The Science" for decades was that Freudian analysis would clear one's psyche of the sexualized traumas of childhood.

The consensus of "experts" for centuries was that malaria was caused by "bad air," or "miasma."

"The Science" foisted on us by "government experts" for decades insisted that dietary fat was bad.

And on, and on, and on....

The results have nearly always been horrific, sometimes more deadly than others.

But lots more analogies to make to "The Science" of "global warming/climate change."

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Another very persistent one is that arbitrarily low levels of radiation cause heritable genetic defects and cancer.

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Kent: Indeed there are MANY such examples (like with Galileo, like the experts telling the Wright brothers that a heavier than air machine defied the laws of physics, etc., etc.). I chose a very recent example, that had 100% support of experts — none of this (falsely) claimed sissy 97% business...

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That's a really good analogy for where we are with climate change. The truth, I believe, is a bit more nuanced in the case of CO2. Yes, it is a greenhouse gas that has some effect on global average temperature, but the effect is relatively small and the atmosphere may be saturated, that is, all the outgoing infrared radiation that CO2 blocks is already blocked. Adding more CO2 will thus have no further effect, or very little effect. Dr. William Happer, a Princeton physics professor, has done the science to prove this saturation effect.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

Breck: Yes the same parallel exists with Climate alarmism. I chose a subset of that, CO2, as there are multiple things we do not understand about the relationship with CO2 and Climate. For example: 1) how powerful are other climate influences (e.g., clouds)?, 2) how influential are other gasses?, 3) what CO2 sinks are there and how influential are they?, 3) How does manmade CO2 stack up against every other source of CO2 (e.g., insects)? etc., etc.

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All manipulation for a nefarious purpose...

If the CO2 that our food, plants need, is such an issue maybe they should start helping and stop spraying our atmosphere with chemicals. There are many ways to help atmospheric quality by making big agra and corps stop polluting before they decide to blame us and actually tax us for.

What a joke. I just can't believe people are believing this crap but thanks to pharma and fluoride, people just aren't thinking.

What were the CO2 levels 50 years ago anyway? What percentage of it and O2 is in our atmosphere?

If, then, because scientific method with data needs to be seen.

Just asking common sense questions...

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CO2 is .04% of the atmosphere; it's trace element.

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was much higher in the past than it is now. And no greenhouse effect occurred then.


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Thanks. So the CO2 is less now...

Everything opposite...

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And many are wondering - what happens if it gets even lower?

I believe CO2 is a buffer element that helps keep a balance. But I've never even tried to be a scientist after meeting too many of them while in high school.

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You're right. It makes sense that every element helps keep a balance.

A third grader knows about the food chain.

It would totally mess with everything including our food.

They already put toxic crap in it, buy up all the land for it, or burn the productive food processing buildings down. Some rumors are saying they want to block out the sun and likely are experimenting with that now.

They are definitely releasing toxic mosquitoes and spraying chemical trails. The evil doesn't end and they get away with all that...

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