Repeal of 17th amendment is simple-effective measure that puts wayward senate dogs back on the constitutional leash designed by Founders. Please give some critical thinking to the impact of a repeal. I am an old guy not active in posting and such -- hoping that someone such as yourself might raise visibility for this repeal measure. Thank you

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I write romances for Harlequin under the pseudonym Nadia Nichols, does that count :) I did actually get away with writing a story about a wind developer coming to town. As for a title, Science for Dummies? All our politicians should be required to read it. As for the layout, suck them in with lots of pictures, comic book style. Compelling characters with a variety of flaws demonstrating scientific method. Sort of like the cast of Peanuts, only dealing with the real stuff in a way that keeps people (kids and adults) reading and occasionally laughing out loud...but unbeknownst to them, they're learning. They just don't realize it. We're dealing with brainwashed masses. They aren't going to crack the cover of a book they think might go against their religion. You have to bait the hook, then reel them in slow and easy.

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Nadia: Agreed! Are you interested in participating?

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I really respect what you're doing, and would like to be kept in the loop.

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I'm an author (of sorts). For example I authored www.co2questions.com - authored and host it but didn't build it. I'm authoring (and building) another website and will focus on your 30 items. I have been thinking about what I wanted my focus to be for this frogpot site and you have helped me decide! I need to brush up on my coding skills - should go online within a month or less - but you can see a draft at www.staging.thefrogpot.net. Inputs welcome.

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Jay: TY for the feedback. Yes there is a parallel with the frog in a pot, being slowly heated. After yiy've carefully considered the 30 items that need to be covered (<https://c19science.info/Education/New_Science_Class.pdf>), let me know your interest.

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My thoughts are, not another book!! We have books galore. What we lack is ethics and values as a society. We allowed leaders who are above all else corrupt and despotic! We have allowed liberal Marxist infiltration to education. We have a youth that believe Hollywood and sports figures are gods. There has been such a lack of sane counter balance and intelligence! Look at Congress. Or perhaps it’s a matter of dealing with the idiotic “dumbed-down” masses. Conservative laws and conservative leaders are what’s needed. Not another book!! Until we have a group strong enough to tackle the cancer of liberal leftist ideology and filth that is spreading like cancer in society, we will be doomed to fear for our grandchildren’s fate!

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Gina: So how do we change ethics and values? If you read through the 30 items I outlined, you will see that some indeed address ethics and values!

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Thank you I’ll check out the post again. Start in the schools. Hold parents accountable for bad behavior in children. Work toward making those few the exception not the norm. At the other end of the spectrum hold all those in politics to a higher standard. Never let another politician white or black promote racial divide like the Obama’s The first sign of unethical and criminal behavior gets addressed and dealt with severely!! , Romney’s, Biden’s, Kerry’s and Pelosi’s activities in Ukraine and perhaps ill-gotten funds. Pelosi’s inside trading. All politicians should be examined under a microscope! We must address the corrupt cycles of influence, Pharma and FDA. DOJ AND FBI. Restrict lobbying and that whole game!! The list goes on even down to the local school boards. Make people aware of where the money comes from. Really expose SPLC, Soros or even any conservative that creates discord with their wealth. I’m sorry for going on, but it seems things are so out of control. No checks and balances. Not enough shaming and consequence for the real culprits that are attempting to destroy our freedoms and our great nation! One last note, expose some of the real culprits, Marc Elias and Norm Eisen come to mind!!

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Wow. Imagine if people actually followed the teachings of Jesus Christ. How much simpler would life be???

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Wonderful idea, John. And it appears you already have a number of eager and capable people willing to participate. If ever you or any of the other authors (through you) of such a book want or need a constructive critic, I offer my services - for critiques of ideas and substance, not so much of grammar or presentation.

In any respect, I also offer you my sincere best wishes in your endeavor. As you clearly point out, such an education is sorely needed, and more so now than at any previous time.

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Russ: Thank you. Indeed a competent critiquer is an important part of the book writing process...

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I have nearly completed a book entitled "Rules for Reasoning". It covers the Scientific Method, the history, the philosophical underpinnings of the Scientific Method, how to carry out a scientific investigation, the pitfalls of good science (different forms biased thinking), and how science is debated in the public sphere.

I have authored 60+ research articles and one book on genetic tools for biological research, which is used as a text for advanced genetics classes.

I would gladly share the table of contents and a sample chapter.

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Hi John,

I am a new author who have just completed the second edits of a novel which addresses, through storytelling, the issues of science, God, and our future. It's an ecological thriller with hints of eschatology without being dystopian or apocalyptic. I'd be happy to send you a draft manuscript. I'll be searching for a publisher and am open to your thoughts.


Brian Arnold

Louisville KY

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Brian: TY Send me an email with a bit more about your background, etc. <aaprjohn@northnet.org>.

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Ambitious idea! I like it. I'm a good editor/technical writer. I would be interested in this project.

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Carol: TY Send me an email with a bit more about your background, etc. <aaprjohn@northnet.org>.

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Feb 26, 2024
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Matt: Exactly. What is happening is widespread, so the pubpic should be clearly informed that all of these things — from COVID to Climate — are intimately connected.

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A dot connector. I wonder if a big visual mindmap might be a method for a visual and foundational framework, almost wikipedia like, except that there needs to be timeouts for people who are making changes judged to be controversial or incorrect, and hence building a reputational excellence model. There's no penalties for corrupted entries in wikipedia. Have some strategic decision-makers who can assemble great resources for easy budget tracking for government, and can show pointers to proposed bills with easier navigation for topical elements within those bills. Let's see what's actually being proposed and allow easy access by verified accounts for people to reflect their positions by constituents. Yes, it might be too situational and emotional for immediate issues (might even descend into democratic chaos). We seem to be lacking accountability for those who are pushing issues in the dark. (again, reputational excellence being promoted). It would aggregate people with expertise in the respective areas, and hopefully engender a more collaborative effort, and not a competitive or destructive effort. Heat maps for areas of excellence with contributors having positive expertise being highlighted will help attract people who want to be a positive influence in the respective areas.

Random thoughts with some interesting user interfaces and accountability built in.

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