John, excellent article on the way that our children are being feed misinformation, which you really get into in your in depth Education report,[highly recommended if you're sending your kids to public school]. Personnally loved your using the wind turbine misinformation being feed to our children, who are being taught not to listen to their parents. That example encapsulates everything that is wrong with the left's non-sense of telling a lie enough times that it becomes the truth, and they are ingraining it in our children through the pathetic learning curriculums they preach. We are doomed if they continue down this path, and if we continue to let them get away with it, than we deserve it.

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It takes a lot of homework to research the facts behind the myths. And then there's this; any teacher smart enough or passionate enough to step up to the plate and really talk to the kids about the pros and cons, the costs and benefits and the environmental impacts of so called green energy is probably going to lose their job.

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Penny: Regretfully, you're probably right. ALWAYS glad to hear from you.

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