John, an excellent and informative article, which as you state, can be used also to fight wind turbines. I note that many of the idea's you outline were used by Cape May county in their battle against Orsted's offshore wind sites. It's great to see all these points put together into one concise article, Thanks, Jim

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Thank you, John.

As you know, I have been opposing a large scale solar & battery energy storage system in my neighborhood. I look forward to receiving the Media Balance Newsletter as an excellent source of important information on key issues. I greatly appreciate your efforts on these matters!

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Have you or is it possible to assemble a similar page for wind turbines (onshore) as today a more serious threat? I note your offshore version. Washington state has an unusual problem, as its governor Jay Inslee wrote a book promoting renewables (I count 29 errors in its Chapter 1) ran for President in 2020 on a platform to promote renewable energy and mentoree of Gore. He is an obsessed tyrant on the topic mandating this state's utilities to Net Zero (not discussed here), began a 50-90cent/gallon carbon on fuels tax in 2023, mandated a 2024 end to natural gas hookups in state and with an outdoor gas engine ban coming next. Second, the state has a site evaluation council which oversees siting of energy facilities and members are Inslee appointees of course, so less- or un-approachable with anti renewable views. The state is actively promotes solar and wind projects and silicon manufacturing to the detriment of citizens. A third reason are the health hazards related to wind, such as noise (low dB) below range of human hearing (numerous articles not listed) in addition to the more serious coating on turbine blades bisphenol A to which I direct your attention (e.g. Tim Smith, Bisphenol A pollution form wind turbines 13-07-23; Bishenol A and the environmentally destructive nature of industrial wind turbines...www.countylive.ca/bisphenol-a....; bisphenol A in wind turbines damages human fertility, 3-22-21, danger in wind turbines...GreenWarriorsofNorway, 15-2-21; Toxicity of bisphenol A use in wind turbines and related toxicity mechanisms-pubmed.ncbi.nlm.hih.gov/31299621/; a problem with wind power-eric rosenbloom 9-5-06; poisoning people to save the planet.....spectator.com.au/australian-notes-322; https://saltbushclub.com/2022/10/15/poisoning-people-to-save-the-planet/). Many thanks for solar plan here. Please include cc to boleneus@gmail.com

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David: TY for your good observations. Regarding onshore wind: a) tweaking the above PR position will result in a high degree of success, or b) following the scriprt on my two web pages (Winning and Key Documents: <WiseEnergy.org> ) has proven to be successful.

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Is there a strategic distinction to be made depending on the private or public ownership of the land involved? If private is there a presumption of legitimacy for the personal rights of the owner?

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No. EVERYONE has limits on their personal property rights. For example, in any city you can't build closer to the street than a pre-ordained distance. In the suburbs and country you ordinarily can not usually sell your house to someone who will build a gas station there. A famous saying is that your right to extend your fist ends at my nose. The same applies to property owners anticipating leasing to solar or wind projects. The property owner has no "right" to harm his neighbors.

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