Oh my, I might have to stop reading such a heretical stack.

From the 'report":

--You helped organize a conference of 'climate deniers' & locals...

--You are still signing 'obstructionist' letters and policy comments (I'm guessing wind obstructionist stuff)

--Training thousands on 'anti-wind' strategies

...you subversive

Unfortunately, Brown is in my neck of the woods (as is Haavad and MIT et al. Those at large can read about the stupidness and lack of respect exhibited by these young adults. I bump into it regularly in the grocery store (yeah, I shop Whole Foods), on the roads, just about any public venue. It's mind boggling and saddening.

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These acolytes are careful not to let the Truth spoil a good story.

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The entire "report" is a sad commentary on the scientific academy. I suggest a better "Statement of Purpose" might read as follows:

The collective West has failed to truthfully address the subject of "climate change’, in large part because of a well-funded and strategic campaign to cloud understanding of the problem and its implications. These efforts have undermined trust in science and even attacked the character of university-based scientists who are attempting to apply scientific processes to the understanding of climate. Universities’ missions are to uncover truth and to educate and prepare our students, so we have a unique responsibility for providing a setting for open inquiry on all subjects, including on climate change. The challenge to truthfully and honestly understand climate change will hopefully result in the greatest benefits- environmentally, social and economically for the most human beings.

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It is very bad when professors do not properly check the student’s work and even worse when professors mis-guide students into unprofessionalism and lacking academic integrity.

This link is another example,


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Dec 24, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023

Apparently sacrificing "academic integrity" for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). A malignancy spreading through academia.

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Eric & Roy: Yes on both counts.

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You are far too logical John. The simple weighing of the facts and data available that is foundational to rational decisions are not the approach of your critics - nor so much of the systemic movement to undermine traditional America and common sense. Our work for 20 years has been in all forms of energy from the renewables to nuclear as we work toward secure microgrids for the military and our Country at large, and offshore wind benefits vs costs does not in general make good sense today - except politically. We have lost almost two generations of our young people who were misdirected to be ignorant of the essential critical thinking and personal judgment needed in free people, and even many of their seniors fall into the lazy following of what the compromised media and social version are dredged with today. Please continue your good efforts toward a return to sanity and freedom of thought in our now beleaguered Country. And vote in November. - John D, PE

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The truth is, there has been global warming recently – but it started around the time of the Revolutionary war, and today we are still BELOW the average of the past 3,000 years. And this is not just for Europe, Greenland and North America, yet another red herring that has recently been thrown out by the desperate global warmers. The universality of the Viking and Mediaeval climatic optimums is written about by Kegwin, who wrote in Science, 1996:274:1504-1508, https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.274.5292.1504 the mean surface temp of the Sargasso Sea (which lies roughly between the West Indies and the Azores), which was obtained by readings of isotope ratios in marine organism remains in sediment, shows we are, today, below the three thousand year average, and far below the Medieval Climatic Optimum, albeit far above the LIA. Civil Defense Perspectives, Mar. 2007, Vol. 23, #3, p. 1, notes that evidence for this climatic optimum has been found in all but 2 out of 103 locations where it was examined for, including Asia, Africa, South America and the western U.S. The following graph of temperature in the Sargasso Sea tells you all you need to know (note: that big horizontal line running across the page is the 3,000 year average!), Interestingly, the warmer times coincided not only with the best harvests, but also the least amount of major storm activity.

Or let’s put it another way, from the Dansgaard & Johnson study, here on ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Average-near-surface-temperatures-of-the-northern-hemisphere-during-the-past-11000-years_fig5_313127868 shows the same

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Thanks for this analysis. The glacial maximum was approximately 20,000 years ago. So it appears, over these many millennia, there has been a gradual warming i.e earth is currently in an inter glacial period.

In all these discussions of "global warming" or "climate change" I have never seen any person, scientist, etc. tell us how much MAN contributes to the "climate change." Is it even knowable?

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For a good history of the beginings of the global warming (sorry, climate change ) fraud look up Will Happer's paper "The Truth About Greenhouse Gasses"


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Sadly it appears that many so called "elite" universities e.g. Brown, have become incubators for a Marxist agenda. Read Mark Levin's books, "American Marxism" and "The Democratic Party Hates America." . The result', critical thinking has become the causality in order to advance the Marxist agenda. We are not surprised you haven't received a reply. Education is NOT the goal, indoctrination is!

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When I first read the headline I thought it might be something about the ongoing circus surrounding the president of Harvard. That institution needs to erase the word "Veritas" from its motto on the front gate. What we have there is a triumph of political correctness coming home to roost. The Brown report instructions to students are nothing more than a revealing of the tactics used by the leftist media to smear those whose views they find objectionable and or politically incorrect. It contains the tactic every repressive regime uses, tell on your neighbor, even family members, to the authorities.


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The paradox of any education system is that senior academia people teach under-junior post-high-school “What next” people, few of whom have some idea about the direction of their life. This is not as it is looks from this sentence.

Senior people are first of all senior in age. They are no authority to the young generation, which is always the case, and part of the positive process of the young losing their innocence shells. They are also senior in terms of computer technology. It would be nice to make a cross-age study on typing skills (speed, error rate). A text editor may be a huge challenge for many. The young have no reason to excel in knowledge when their tutors do not excel in at least one field of focus of the young. Riding a motorbike will do. Repairing cars or computer hardware will be great. Applying the theory they teach to everyday situations will be the best. How many do this?

The “What next” generation is a product of even worse situation in high schools. The rebel age (again, a positive stage in the development) overlapping teachers’ short time to create true interest in the subject result in ineffective teaching. Which does not apply to those students who will take over and really apply themselves. A handful, I guess.

That is nothing new. The generation gap has always been here. And the education system is not a primary cause of the decline that is described in the article.

Whom to blame? Free online content, mostly YT and similar platforms. Why would you spend a year with a boring teacher using a boring teaching style to teach a boring subject? The complete program of the whole year is available on YT in very attractive formats, and it won’t last more than 30 hours for the most complex subjects, like math or physics. You watch it once, and once more, and you have understood everything. Unlike in the classroom.

The loss of the authority by the school is inevitable. To keep their jobs, teachers should apply themselves, too. Watching the same YT clips, inventing different approaches, creating surmountable challenges aimed at the curiosity, interest and practical aspects. Most of them won’t. Because most of them are not there to educate. It’s only a job. These are good, honest people, who try to do their work to the best of their abilities. But, in a lot of cases, they are the proper people in a wrong job. Hence frustration and withdrawal. And the spiral continues.

Education should be done by the elites for the elites. “Elites” only in the sense of commitment and alive, contagious love of the subject, combined with superb communication skills and great interpersonal abilities. Anyone should have a try, free of charge and free of salaries. But keeping the participants on in the process only because they have still xx years to retirement or because the law requires enrolment is merciless.

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I just tweeted at him

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