I’m a Big Picture person.
I learned at a young age that often the best way to solve a problem was to step back from it and see it in a larger perspective. That enabled me to more effectively apply Critical Thinking… That strategy has served me well.
My closing pre-election counsel is to suggest that you do exactly that.
Please carefully read, and reflect on, this insightful commentary: How Nations Slip from Greatness to Obscurity.
If you grasp the significance of that well-written article, then you might also find this short video (on the same topic), to be relevant:
The Takeaway —
We need to step back and take the 30,000 foot view. That means to skip the superficial issues of personality, etc., and focus on POLICIES. This election will have an ENORMOUS influence on the subsequent direction our country takes.
After doing your best, please pray for God’s assistance in preserving the American experiment. Although we may brashly think so, the reality is that we can not survive the forces of evil without God’s help...
Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:
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WiseEnergy.org: discusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.
C19Science.info: covers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.
Election-Integrity.info: multiple major reports on the election integrity issue.
Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not do, on issues from COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2024 Archives. Please send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time - but why would you?
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I was trained as an economist not a scientist and find your insights to be of enormous assistance in my own work. Applying critical thinking to economics is often determined by whatever school of economic thought to feed, house, educate and socialize them. I would like your ideas on how to tackle this vast problem. My study is to find a means of measuring the full economic impact on the US economy of allowing up to 50 million illegal aliens and their children into our nation who are I'll prepared to contribute anything of significance but require the use of resources to. My own study is that our economy suffers up to and more than 5 trillion of damage annually. If I am correct, then this is an issue far more important than any other. Do you agree?
Very well put, John. I couldn't agree with you more!