{Note: This commentary has been updated. For the current version go here.}
Traditionally this is the time of year where we review our life’s direction, and then make some New Year’s resolution(s). But when do citizens have such a contemplation about America’s directions? My recommendation is to formally add this to our New Year’s reflections — and it’s long overdue.
This is my take on where things currently stand…
The Big Picture is that Communists (e.g., Russia and China) and their allies (including those within the US) are in a life-and-death war against Democracies (e.g., US, Europe, etc.).
Let’s briefly step back and see several examples where America’s opponents are attacking, and what successes they have had to date. Hopefully this might focus our attention on areas we will push back against — working together with other like-minded citizens, in effective ways.…
Target: Religion… Strategy: Undermine Judeo-Christian beliefs and morality. Replace these with a new unpublished set of “values,” made up by a collection of stuffed shirts, and enforced by parties with no authority to do so.
Target: Men… Strategy: Emasculate, feminize and weaken men.
Target: Women… Strategy: Defeminize them, undermine the roll of mothers, inflate discrimination claims about them, etc.
Target: Families... Strategy: Redefine what a conventional family is, and undercut its importance.
Target: Education... Strategy: Propagandize children. Emphasize conformity over critical thinking. Undermine Science education. Install grade inflation. Etc.
Target: Initiative… Strategy: Award participation instead of accomplishment.
Target: People… Strategy: The planet’s rights take priority over those of humans. Further, the collective’s rights take priority over individual rights.
Target: Economy... Strategy: Waste enormous sums on foolish political agendas, driven by lobbyists, and not in the best interest of citizens or the country.
Target: Industrialization... Strategy: Corrupt the electric grid with unreliable, expensive renewable energy, while opposing fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
Target: Science... Strategy: Use traitorous “scientists” or “experts” to misdirect real Science analyses, and to confuse the public about what Science really is.
Target: Unity... Strategy: For example, inflame racism to incite discord and distrust among citizens.
Target: Patriotism… Strategy: For example, inject wokism to sabotage citizen support for their country.
Target: Propaganda… Strategy: Have mainstream media be a major source of disinformation and censorship of pro-American information.
Target: Civility… Strategy: The new normal is personal attacks on any who dare to express opinions that differ from current political agendas.
Target: Elections... Strategy: Corrupt the election process so that key legislators are not always elected by citizens. Resist meaningful audits to avoid exposing this.
Target: Legislators... Strategy: Promote petty political agendas that take priority over what is in the best interest of citizens and the country.
Target: Military... Strategy: Use most of the above tactics to weaken our military.
After setting the stage for America’s demise, our opponents then began carefully doing some checks to make sure everything was proceeding according to plan. For example, consider the following tests — all of which have been successful:
1 - Inject in mainstream media (e.g., comic strips, TV, movies) an incessant message demeaning men. Then verify that few notice and fewer yet object: √
2 - Insert anti-American marketing terms into the vocabulary, to see how many citizens will incorporate them into their communications: √
3 - Assess the public’s resistance to anti-democratic decrees by getting states to mandate unscientific, unreliable, uneconomic, harmful energy sources, like industrial wind energy: √
4 - Arrange for taxpayers to heavily subsidize unscientific, unreliable, uneconomic, harmful — but politically favored — energy sources, and see if there is any large-scale pushback: √
5 - After succeeding with #3 & #4, then get states to force US rural citizens (often against their will) to accept non-sensical energy sources into their community: √
6 - Confirm that teachers, parents, legislators and conservative organizations are compliant when (or ignorant of) the Scientific Method is eliminated from the K-12 Science curriculum: √
7 - Verify that teachers, parents and legislators and conservative organizations allow teaching the opposite of Critical Thinking in the K-12 Science curriculum: √
8 - Convince a trusting public that voter ID, machine regulations, meaningful audits, etc. are unnecessary detriments to election integrity. Substantiate their progress by getting a national candidate elected, who barely even campaigned: √
9 - Use their successful climate change script with a manageable virus, to shut down the U.S. economy, and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans (i.e., due to bureaucratic, self-serving and unscientific policies): √
10-Following #9, ascertain that they can get the majority of US citizens to agree to be injected by an unscientific, unproven, experimental, bio-chemical concoction, with unknown ingredients: √
11-Following #9, affirm that they can convince almost all mainstream churches to voluntarily agree to disconnect from their flock: √
12-Establish that the military will agree to undermine its strength by complying with political agendas like green energy, mandated injections, wokeness, etc: √
Etc., etc…
We are like lobsters in a pot where the temperature is gradually increasing. We have been warned before (e.g., see here, here and here). Had enough yet?
Interestingly, Critical Thinking concludes that almost all of these issues are due to the real war we are all immersed in: Pro-God vs No-God forces. The good news — and Christmas should remind us of this — is that God can solve ALL of the above.
One of my primary life philosophies is: “Work as if everything depended on me, but pray as if everything depended on God.” The ball is in our court…
PS — Here is a relevant quote: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” – Edmund Burke, statesman and writer
PPS — After I wrote the above piece, I saw this commentary, which makes some superior points: How Nations Slip from Greatness to Obscurity. Read it carefully…
Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:
WiseEnergy.org: discusses the science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.
C19Science.info: covers the lack of genuine science behind our COVID-19 policies.
Election-Integrity.info: multiple major reports on the election integrity issue.
Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not, on issues from: COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2022 Archives. Send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name, and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time - but why would you?)
Thanks for reading Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues! Subscribe for FREE to receive new posts (typically about once a week).
As a senior I find myself caught between a rock and a hard place, I have enough computer KNOWLEDGE to function with very basic computer skills. I'm not ready for a fully automated society, I'm frustrated enough with dealing with doctors' automated menus. I'm used to humans. I still write some checks. I don't want to change. I like the feel of CASH in my hands, and what I buy is NO one else's business to hack. BTW, I'M HEARING IMPAIRED and don't hear the prompts. I do best with chat, text, and email. THE CLOSED CAPTION ON TV MOVES TOO FAST AND IS TOO SMALL TO READ. I'M A CRITICAL THINKER.
Toxic food has been an issue for a long time. Look how long it took the military to prove CAMP LEJEUNE. Same with our and Baby Food. Unless you grow and can your own, you don't know what is in it. TEN COMPANIES CONTROL ALL FOOD PRODUCTION. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F474x%2F7a%2F30%2F4d%2F7a304db9b05d927065db2a841e30afaf--healthy-living-healthy-life.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=af28f1215f06bd3c1f20b0912d49ea5a860e3ecba8b872bad0ab5e85dc5877f2&ipo=images
History Channel did a week's long piece on the Food that made America. https://www.history.com/shows/the-food-that-built-america Interesting to watch how cutthroat a business it is. Let's not leave out Congress'misnomer 'FARM BILL' PAY TO NOT GROW, RAISE, OR HARVEST.
Drive out the small industry, Homesteaders. I'm old enough to remember growing, canning, and preserving our own food. Grandma made 2 types of bread, lard biscuits, and cornbread daily. What they couldn't grow, they gathered. Raised chickens and grew the flock for eggs. 2 adults and 6 kids eat a lot. They bartered for items they couldn't. That was FDR'S DEPRESSION. WE ARE IN BIDEN'S DEPRESSION, PROPPED UP BY PRINTED MONEY. MOST OF OUR TAX DOLLARS SEEM TO GO TO UKRAINE 100 BILLION. OR THE MEXICAN BORDER WHERE ILLEGALS FROM 160+ COUNTRIES TRY TO ENTER OUR BORDERS. THAT INCLUDES TERRORISTS, DRUG DEALERS, AND SEX TRAFFICKERS. NOT TO AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST.
1st Automated Mcdonald's needs NO WORKERS https://nationworldnews.com/mcdonalds-launches-its-first-automated-store-but-some-are-against-it/
Respectfully but Russia and China are not to blame for what’s happening in the world, it’s the Western democracies. First, Russia has not been a Communist State since the USSR fell. They do not have a communist state. They are more an oligarchy with Putin as it’s head but that’s why most Russians support Putin. He actually reformed the country and took it away from a centralized communist system. China has kept the communist model in the way it runs industries so you could argue there’s still more of a communist ethos there. Xi is an Emperor in the classic Chinese model more than Mao. China is controlling/buying heads of State all over the world, including the United States. Biden is a total tool of China, just like the Shah of Iran used to be for America.
However, it’s the West that’s the danger to the world. Headed by America with the Dems and the RINOS we are doing more damage to the world than the USSR ever could. How? Because we have good PR and people think we’re still a Republic when we no longer are. Our elections are just as corrupt and rigged as Brazil, Venezuela or Cuba. I would submit to you that the US is now causing more harm than good. Our enemies are in Congress, Wall St and Silicon Valley not in Moscow or Beijing. We are the ones putting pressure on world leaders to escalate the war in Ukraine not pushing for peace.
If you’re defending the Republic you should know this. It greatly concerns me that you don’t. You realize that’s it’s America spreading the whole woke nonsense, including gender confusion to the world right? Our TV shows, movies and music carpet the planet and its full of weak men, women who don’t want families or husbands and more concern for global warming than feeding the poor.
I respectfully wanted to respond to your article because it seems like it was written in the 90’s adjusting for the modern references. You realize that Hungarians, Russians, Serbians, Nicaraguans and Poles all had protests this year against America and the West pushing of Diversity and Wokeism. Do you know there are people leaving countries like Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Australia and the US and moving to Central America to have more “freedoms” and escape their individual countries slide into totalitarianism? This is happening. I had the privilege of meeting some of these people in Aug of this year.
This is all happening. We have already lost our Republic and until we face it we cannot restore it.